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retail department中文是什么意思

用"retail department"造句"retail department"怎么读"retail department" in a sentence


  • 零售部
  • 门市部


  • Having had lunch , we go straight in that retail department urgently
  • The floor space in the retail department is not big , on forty or fifty square meters too , but the mail is very abundant
  • Fortunately there is one that collect stamps in the retail department near the high beautiful hotel where we stay , it seems and post fan can first solve the regret in mind
  • This helpless retail department opens at nine o clock in the morning , close hurriedly at five o clock in the afternoon , we at one s wit s end , can only feed on fancies with stamp poster to watch show window
  • The market developing department lays stress on research of market and after service in order to make customers more satisfied it possesses managing section , retail department , and directed offices in big cities of china
  • In a word , us several bought the stamp in the retail department that day . the stewardess has very good attitude , though we want this to return that for a moment for a moment , two young ladies have satisfied the " god " tirelessly
    总之,那天在门市部买邮票的只有我们几个中国人。服务小姐态度很好,尽管我们一会儿要这个一会儿退那个,两个小姐还是不厌其烦地满足了这些“上帝” 。
  • In the city proper there are about 24 large , stated - owned wholesale commercial companies with numerous affiliates in suzhou s six satellite cities , and 10146 retail stores with about 35 , 000 employees . each of the 15 largest retail department stores 11 in city proper sold over rmb100 million in goods in 1994 , with suzhou people s market ranking first by its rmb 503 . 82 billion sales for 1994 . the commercial districts are distributed throughout the city
  • In the city proper there are about 24 large , stated - owned wholesale commercial companies with numerous affiliates in suzhou s six satellite cities , and 10146 retail stores with about 35 , 000 employees . each of the 15 largest retail department stores ( 11 in city proper ) sold over rmb100 million in goods in 1994 , with suzhou people s market ranking first by its rmb 503 . 82 billion sales for 1994 . the commercial districts are distributed throughout the city
    苏州市区为市民、旅游者生活服务的零售商业,共有10146家,其中大型企业21家(全市53家) ,中型企业161家(全市1811家) ,从业人员34299人,历史形成的商业分布区域,有观前、石路、南门3个重点商业区;东西中市、景德路、十全街等7个中型商业区;南环、彩香、东港等15个居民新村商业点。
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